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Picks of the LitterBy Bryant Lewis and Joel CorbinThis is the second of a two-part series. Last time we chose the worst aspects of Clinton as President. This time, we're choosing the best. (To view the previous column, click here.)
Our pick for the best aspect of the Clinton Presidency:The Republican Congress![]() Despite claiming to be a "New Democrat" in 1992, Bill Clinton showed his true colors once elected. The American people found that the campaign promise of tax cuts really meant raising taxes. A large percentage of the population opposed gays in the military, but Clinton pushed for it. Clinton talked about having the most ethical administration in history, but delivered scandal after scandal. This kind of arrogance angered voters, and they responded by tossing out the Democratic Congressional majority. Even long-term incumbents like Tom Foley were defeated by often unknown challengers. Voters had had enough of Bill Clinton, and they fought back, defeating him in effigy by voting out his party.
Despite the brilliant idea of the "Contract With America," voters were not as influenced by the GOP's proposals as they were by a desire to see Bill Clinton and his policies stopped. The Republican party owes more to Bill Clinton for the majority than it does to any republican candidate or idea. Americans citizens wanted Bill Clinton stopped, and the only way they knew how was to elect a Republican Congress who would fight his policies and stand against him. This rejection by voters ushered in the best aspect of the Clinton Presidency, a Republican majority in Congress.
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