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Input/OutputWe welcome letters from our readers. So let us know what's on your mind, what you think about Hoosier Review, your opinion on the issues we cover, or anything else you have to say.You can email your letter to iugop@indiana.edu. Please include your first and last name, and your phone number for verification. Letters will be kept online with the issue addressed in the letter, or for a longer period as determined by the editor.
Hi, I just read your "Bits and Bytes" section today(April 29), I sometimes visit your webisite, because as a IU student who is a conservative I find it interesting. Well there was one bit of disinformation you did have in that section. You were talking about the National Day of Silence put on by Gay Lesbian and Bisexual students, and in the note it mentions there was a pro-GLB protestor with a megaphone. Well if you had actually read the whole article in the IDS you would of learned that the national day of silence only lasts from 8am to 5pm, as a participant in the National Day of Silence(yes I am gay and conservative), I know that at 5pm, they were meeting at the sample gates to join together, and then they could talk as soon as it was 5pm. Please don't fall into the same games of the IDS and HT or other "liberal" press and report disinformation.
Sincerely, Thanks for writing, David. As opposed to the rest of Hoosier Review, which treats events seriously with a conservative viewpoint, Bits & Bytes is our section for a humorous or sarcastic slant on current events. And ya gotta admit that a picture of someone using a megaphone is rather incongruous next to an article about silence!
Editors! Wow! I like your brand spankin' new website, and have bookmarked it so I can continue to watch the fun. Glad to see that Mad Max and Brother Dan are still kickin. I used to see them at Purdue a lot. Al Gore could learn a few things about public speaking from them. My niece, Emily Brauer, will probably wind up at IU in journalism. I'll make sure she knows who to hang with..... And now, a plug of my prolife pharmacy pages and a little story that has been picked up by Knight-Ridder: Kmart fires Pharmacist for not distributing abortifacient birth control methods and Will the "Conscience" Policy of the American Pharmaceutical Association Sell Pharmacists Down the River? If you think the story is interesting, link it, print it, help yourself. Keep up the good work. Conservatives are going to take over someday, just because most of the liberals are into abortion. (There is evidence of micro-evolution, heh heh.) Have FUN!
Karen L. Brauer M.S. R.Ph. What do you know? Purdue managed to produce some intelligent conservative graduates! Thanks for the letter, Karen!
Hey, everyone! This is my first of many visits to the Hoosier Review Web-Site. Thanks for finally providing a voice that isn't rabid anti-Christian, anti-logic, pro-screaming liberal. Do you publish a paper version? If so, I'd love to carry it around because it's always a great conversation starter. Anyway, keep up the good work!
Gratefully, Heather, we don't publish a full edition on paper at this time, but there will be a few partial printed copies available at future College Republican mass meetings. In the future, we'd like to have Hoosier Review available around campus like Bloomington Voice and other publications. Until then, keep checking us out on the web!
I was searching the web for conservative web sites and ran across your web page. I enjoyed many of the articles I read,however one in particular caught my attention. It was about the MLK March and within the article, it was mentioned that the University was trying to diversify the school. The University I attend is trying to achieve the same thing. I am completely against this type of affirmative action. I agree with you when you said that we must be focusing on providing the best education possible for the students, not trying to meet "quotas." I wish I could end a picture of myself to you just to show you that I'm not some minority hater. I'm actually a Hispanic Female. I feel very strongly about this and just wanted you to know that you are absolutely right. We can not put an end to discrimination in America with reverse discrimnation. We can not allow our school to keep catering to these "minority groups." The funny thing is that if an all white male group tried to form a group on campus and called themselves the White Male Student Union, the school would not allow it. Then how come it is O.K to have a Black Student Union or Hispanic Student Union. Well, I would be very intersted in any other information you might have or know where I can find on How to stop this type of Administrations plans on Affirmative action. The committe meetings I will be attending are entitled "University COmmisssion on Professional Conduct, Ethics, and CIvility Workshops" I wold appreciate a response to this e-mail. Thanks for your time and it was great visiting your web page. Nita (last name withheld by request) Nita, glad to hear from you, and that you've been reading Hoosier Review from across the United States. A good site to consult is Students Advocating Valid Education. Some court cases about Affirmative Action and speech codes are:
(Affirmative Action) |
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