IU Students for Life prepares for 1998-99
New officers elected
By Scott Tibbs
On April 22, Indiana University
Students for Life elected its officers for the 1998-99 academic year.
The newly elected officers are:
- President: Greg
Chesmore. He is a grad student at SPEA, majoring in public management
and non-profit management. Chesmore has been involved in the pro-life
movement for 12 years and worked full-time as a pro-life lobbyist for a
few years with the American Life League
after getting his degree in journalism and public relations from the
University of Wisconsin. Chesmore previously served as IUSFL Secretary.
E-mail him at gchesmor@indiana.edu
- Vice President: Stephanie
Smaldore. She is a sophomore majoring in Journalism and English.
Smaldore has been involved in the pro-life movement since junior high
school, and became active in IUSFL early in the 1997-98 school year.
E-mail her at ssmaldor@indiana.edu
- Treasurer: Ben
Tesnar. He is a freshman majoring in Business. Tesnar became involved
in the pro-life movement in high school through the National Right to Life Committee. Tesnar
became involved in IUSFL in the Spring of 1998, when he served on the
committee to plan the CALL
weekend. E-mail him at btesnar@indiana.edu.
- Secretary: Dave
Horne. He is a Junior majoring in Elementary Education. Horne has been
active in the pro-life movement since high school and has been the
President of Indiana Teens for Life and district 4 director of National
Teens for Life. He is currently the Indiana contact for PLAGAL. Horne has been active in IUSFL
since the last CALL Weekend in 1994. E-mail him at dhorne@indiana.edu
For a description of the constitutional duties of the officers, click here.
Outgoing officers include graduating seniors Jen Paynter and Scott Tibbs, as well as
Sophomore Emily Allen, who will
spend next year overseas.
In 1998-1999, IUSFL plans to draw attention to the IU Health Center, which provides
abortafacient drugs with the help of the mandatory $70.50 Health Fee.
IUSFL will also continue to educate students on the abortion issue.