Bits & Bytes
- Nightclub Feminism--In her September 16 IDS opinion column,
Rush cites a conversation overheard at Mars nightclub by two (undoubtedly
drunk) men as evidence that gender inequity continues to run rampant in
our society.
- Hook, Line, and Sinker!--In a recent news blunder, a rental
truck was found near an abortion clinic with residue from standard
traffic flares. This incident sparked nationwide reports of a clinic
bombing, including a big reaction from Herald-Times columnist Mike
Leonard, who wrote "When so-called "right to life" organizations stop
their terrorist activities, then rightful suspicion won't be aimed at
them. You guys amaze me." You amaze us, Mike!!
- "My opponent is stupid": New Democratic slogan?--In their
newsletter We're Right, They're Wrong, The Monroe County Democratic
Party attacks County Council member Jeff Ellington's intelligence and
refers to him as the "Dan Quayle of Monroe County." It appears the well
of ideas has run dry at the Monroe County DP.
- More distortion from the Herald-Times-- The Bloomington
Herald-Times recently ran a story on Olivia the Burned Cat which
then went out over the Associated Press wire. In the article, the
H-T quoted an IDS columnist who said people who donate money
for Olivia's medical bills "need to have their heads examined". Not only
did the H-T not mention the author of the column, Scott Tibbs, but
it distorted the statement by not mentioning the call for donations to go
to Riley children's hospital or Middle Way House instead.