Bits & Bytes
- Hang up your keyboard, Jim--In using the tired line about being
against abortion, but for a woman's "choice," Jim Stier asserted in his
April 21 Indiana Daily Student column that his opinions "have no
validity outside me and have no influence on anyone else." Stier, author
of some of the most offensive columns this semester, would have done a
service to the campus if he heeded his own words six months ago.
- Corporate welfare for the merchants of death--A Chicago jury
awarded over $85,000 to abortion clinics from several militant abortion
opponents. National Organization for Women attorney Fay Clayton said
"It's only because their message is so weak that they have to resort to
these tactics." If so, what does it say about an organization that brings
lawsuits against those who challenge it? Short on valid ideology, perhaps?
- International loss of face--Looks like America's
philanderer-in-chief has made an impression overseas. During Clinton's
recent visit to Africa, a South African radio host announced his arrival
by warning listeners to "lock up your daughters."
- Hypocrisy reigns in the liberal media--The April/May issue of Link (a typical free "college magazine")
contains numerous factoids bemoaning the perceived rise in "hate crimes"
in America. In the same issue, the editors respond with contempt and
outright hostility to readers who dare disagree with their ideas,
especially racially devisive affirmative action policies.
- Are you reporting or advocating? -- The Bloomington
Herald-Times ran an
editorial on April 26 advising what the bounds of district 60 are in case
Democrats want to cross over to vote in the GOP State Representative
primary. Gee, there wouldn't be a hidden goal in this on the part of this
pro-Jerry Bales newspaper, would there?
- Animal rights terrorists strike again -- According to
Americans for
Medical Progress, the Animal Liberation front, an organization
"wholeheartedly supported" by the Animal Defense League, was
implicated in vandalizing vans owned by Shriners. AMP notes "The vans are
used by the Shriners to transport chronically ill and burned children to
Tampa Hospital for treatments. The transport program was halted until the
windshields could be replaced."
- Third time's a charm? -- The Associated Press reports the Rev.
Jesse Jackson is attempting to "gauge his voter appeal" for a possible
campaign for President in 2000. Sorry Jesse, but it just ain't gonna
- Evil capitalists exploit workers!! -- In her April 28 IDS column attacking the free
market system, Reagan Rush is sure the School of Business trained IU
students well to be "ruthless, all-American capitalists". Miss Rush, meet
Karl Marx. He's as dead as the philosophy you both share.
- If you don't like free speech, don't exercize it -- The Associated
Press reports that the Florida legislature recently passed a bill alowing
drivers to put a "choose life" message on their licence plates. The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights
Action League (NARAL) attacked the measure, and one opponent of the
bill argued it might encourage anti-abortion terrorism! Get a life people,
it's called FREE SPEECH!
- Everyone amazes themselves sometimes--At the April 30 candidate
forum for District 60 State Representative, incumbent Jerry Bales said,
"It amazes me when people talk like a conservative, but then you find out
they're actually liberals." Jerry, you took the words right out of our
- No room to talk--Women's
Student Organization members Julie Tamar Shecter and Bethany Cockburn
complained in a letter to the IDS
on May 1 about an Indianapolis radio station's billboard advertisements.
They expressed shock at the ad, which features cartoon figures of
well-endowed bikini-clad women. This comes two weeks after WSA hosted a
program titled "Your Two Breast Friends: Breasts, Hooters, Jugs and
Bazoombas," dedicated solely to discussing breasts, and featuring an
explicit video.