Bits & Bytes
- Fire!! Fire!! heh heh heh--The March 15 Herald-Times
reported there will be a cotrolled burn in the Hoosier National Forest.
Surely, InPIRG will be upset. If only man didn't interfere with nature so!
Nonetheless, Beavis would be proud.
- Most women would disagree--Commenting on the sexual harassment
allegations against Bill Clinton by Kathleen Willey, Anita Hill opined
that the allegation that Clinton grabbed Willey's breasts and put her hand
on his genitals does not constitute sexual harassment. Let's get this
straight, Anita: dirty jokes are sexual harassment when told to you
by Clarence Thomas, but if he had grabbed you in that manner, it is
not harassment?
- Hold on to your wallet!-- The March 16 Herald-Times
reports IUSA President Dave Orenstein has
proposed a mandatory fee of "no more than $35 per year" for all IU
students to get a bus pass which will allow free rides on both the IU bus
system and Bloomington Transit. Can anyone say "Command Economy"?
- Take the credit, pass the buck--Outgoing Residence Halls
Association Tara Sullivan has all the qualifications to be a Democrat
politician. While gloating in IDS articles about the "flexibility"
in the new dorm meal plan, she has consistently referred students to their
own dorm presidents to answer criticism of the plan, which raises the
minimum cost to students more than $800 and shrinks the range of price
from nearly $800 to only $200.
- Tax and tuition dollars hard at work--McNutt quad residents were
treated to a "Fake an Orgasm Contest" on Wednesday, March 11. Out of all
the problems that undergraduates face, it's so nice to see the
dorms coming to meet this need.