Bits & Bytes
- Clinton's real secret admirer?--In his February 2
IDS opinion column, Urvaksh Karkaria not only blows off the
allegations surrounding Monica Lewinsky, but credits Clinton with pulling
inflation down, "a little more spending money in the pockets of Congress,"
and creating 14 million new jobs. Get real, Urvaksh. The only
jobs Clinton is responsible for creating are those investigating his
- Yeah, but for Pete's sake we can't let them pray--At a time and
place where young boys are joining street gangs and dying from guns and
drugs, the ACLU sued the city of Chicago to sever its ties with the Boy
Scouts of America "until the group accepts gays and stops requiring a
religious oath." Sadly, Chicago bowed to the ACLU, which is now urging
other cities to "take a cue from Chicago's action and end their
sponsorship of these discriminatory programs."
- So Miss Arkansas would've been OK?-- In his February 10
IDS column, Paul J. Williams centers his argument that Bill Clinton
exercised bad judgement in the alleged "Zippergate" scandal by saying
Monica Lewinsky is "ugly" and looks like "Rosie O'Donnel's uglier little
sister". Nice work, Paul. It would also be a good idea if you took the
time to see your eye doctor. In the meantime, don't expect to be asked to
judge any beauty pageants.
- New heights of conceit reached by the Ego-in-Chief--In an AP
interview, President Clinton unequivocally stated he would never resign
from the presidency. "I would never walk away from the people of this
country and the trust they've placed in me," he stated. Sure, all 49.2%
of the people, Bill.
- Will the real "Great Satan" please stand up?--Students at the
University of Illinois recently protested U.S. policy as having a "lack of
respect for Iraqi human rights (Daily Ilini). Perhaps they've
forgotten about Saddam, who has used chemical weapons on his own people?
- Ken Starr to visit Bloomington soon?--Less than a week after
dismissing the Lewinsky scandal and commenting on what she sees "in the
President's eyes," IDS columnist and former White House intern
Stacey Zolt wrote about "value in sex for the sake of...sheer physical
satisfaction." Now, where could she have learned that?
- "Huh?"--The IU Speech and Hearing Sciences Department on February
10 sponsored a talk about "the transgender phenomena in the Post Modern
Era" in SHS Professor Moya Andrews' class. Explain to us again how this
relates to speech and hearing...
And in other news...
Them Dems...
a continuing perspective from the RNC
February 10, 1998
How does a party with a multi-million-dollar debt, no agenda, and a
leader mired in scandal build momentum for the '98 elections?
Free mobile homes!
14 Fayette County WV, residents, who were registered to vote as
Democrats, told election officials they were tricked into signing
voter registration cards after being told that the cards made them
eligible to win a free mobile home and other prizes.
According to the Associated Press, Harry Beals, a trailer salesman
from Oak Hills WV, admits asking people to sign the cards, but denies
telling anyone that would make them eligible for a mobile home. All
but one person called were surprised to learn they had been
registered to vote.
"I work on commission," Beals told the Associated Press. "I'd welcome
a socialist, a Nazi, anyone."