Bits & Bytes
- To put it in simple terms: the average person is a moron--In a
January 12 editorial, the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette proceeded to
explain why state legislators must "target" tax cuts in order to solve
Indiana's problems. In other words, the J-G is saying government
officials are smarter and more effective than either ordinary citizens or
market forces.
- Conspiracies everywhere!--In a guest editorial in the
Voice, local enviro-nut Scott Wells wonders whether a decision by
County Commissioner Kirk White was based on a campaign contribution White
received in the mayor's race in 1995. Considering Wells' constant hinting
at bribe taking and conspiracy by Republican officials in Monroe County,
one wonders if he imagines black helicopters flying over his residence on
a daily basis, no doubt piloted by White and Monroe County GOP Chairman
Chris Calloway.
- AP stupidity runs rampant--In Associated Press stories January 15
and 16, headlines and content of AP stories seemed to indicate
environmental damage and harm to animals is more important than harm to
humans. The January 15 article was about how ice storms in New England
killed trees, not once mentioning human deaths caused by the storm. The
January 16 article was headlined "Iraq may have used dogs for testing"
despite most of the story was on potential testing of biological weapons
on humans.
- The militia speaks in the IDS--In a guest editorial on
January 15, Kofi Nokwahene argues Martin Luther King's message of
nonviolence was not only counterproductive, but a message of surrender to
racist policies of the era.
- What about the First Amendment?--Texas farmers are suing Oprah
Winfrey over a comment made on her program regarding the safety of meat
since the British Mad Cow scare. The program was neither inflammatory nor
full of wild eyed and unsupportable claims, yet Texas law states Winfrey
is somehow liable for the losses of farmers in the wake of this scare. Can
anyone say "unconstitutional"?