Bits & Bytes
- A mind is a terrible thing to waste-- AM1370's "Afternoon
Edition" host Mark Shaw commented on the incident where a 14-year-old
athiest shot five classmates and killed three while they and a group of
students were praying. Shaw suggested this brings up the whole issue of
prayer in school and asked whether the praying students brought this on
- Sympathy for the Devil?--In his December 2 IDS opinion
column, Urvakash Karkaria asserts that U.S.-backed United Nations sanctions are
to blame for poor and starving Iraqis, not Saddam Hussein's evil
exploitation of his own people.
- Long-jumping to conclusions--In a letter to the IDS, an IU
graduate student all but accused the University of being run by Nazis after
spotting a "swastika" in the School of Health, Physical Education, and
Recreation. The symbol (actually the mirror-image of a swastika) is
an ancient Native American icon of peace, prosperity, love, and life.
- Ever been to a City Council meeting, Mark?-- In a guest
column in the Herald-Times, failed County Commissioner candidate
Mark Stoops suggests the Monroe County Republican Party only denounce the
indescretions of Sherriff Williamson because he wasn't in 100% agreement
with their agenda, and used terms like "right-wing" and "extremist"
throughout the column. Switch to decaf, Mark!