Bits & Bytes
- Disappointed, John?--In a recent guest column
in the IDS, Bloomington Mayor John Fernandez notes "Unfortunately, as
the recent news from Thomson proves, we often cannot control what
individual companies choose to do."
- Hutchins to start student militia?--In his February 18 opinion
column addressing our last issue of Hoosier
Review, Philmore S. Hutchins predicts someday "the arguments won't be
made through the use of keyboards but guns and missiles." Hutchins
promises "I'll be the first in line to throw down my keyboard and pick up
a gun."
- Have you ever seen them together?--The similarities between
Mike Leonard's Herald-Times column on February 11, and Jake
Goshert's IDS column the following day (both attacking Congressman
John Hostettler for his positions on I-69 and the Greene Co. wetlands
project) are so striking as to suggest they are in fact the same person.
- Check your facts, H-T--A recent Herald-Times
headline concerning the I-69 project read "Farm Bureau Joins Road
Opponents." However, the Bloomington Voice reports the Farm
Bureau is actually in favor of "building an Indianapolis to Evansville
- Where have you been for the last 30 years?--Referring to the
response of Bloomington elected officials to the Thomsom closing, city
councilman Mayer, (D) at-large, comments that "government is the solution."