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Whither Ideological Diversity?In these opening weeks of the 105th Congress, Democrats have made much about Speaker Gingrich teaching a college course with a "partisan" slant. Representative David Bonior (D-Mich) went so far as to call for the Speaker's resignation. While the charges of a bias in Gingrich's courses may have been true, his students could at least count on full disclosure - Gingrich was a member of the Republican House leadership.The same can't be said for many of the students at Indiana University. In order to help students know what their professors' bias may be, we have published the chart at the right, showing the primary voting records of the Political Science Department's full and associate professors. The table doesn't provide encouragement for those of us who favor academic honesty and integrity. While a person's voting record cannot prove anything alone, when only two votes out of eighty-five were in Republican primaries, some inferences can be made. This pattern suggests that the professors are likely to have less knowledge of Republican politics and ideas. Indeed, we have heard reports for years that Republicans have been openly attacked and their ideas distorted by the Political Science Department. Hoosier Review believes this is problematic. Though the prevailing vision suggests that racial and gender diversity is important in academia, in political science it is ideological diversity which is crucial. We are proposing solutions to this dilemma. First, we believe professors should make as much of an effort as possible to learn the conservative side of issues, consulting conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation or the CATO institute for information on the conservative side of issues. Professors should avoid bringing personal viewpoints into an issue, and try to balance any point with a counterpoint. Professors should also encourage students to think for themselves, noting that in the complex world of politics, there are no true "right" or "wrong" answers, but differing viewpoints. Scott Tibbs, for the Editors |
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Poli-Sci Department Dances to the Democrat Beat 96-95-94 92-91-90 88-87-86 84-83 Edward Carmines --- ? --- Elinor Ostrom --- no primary voting record --- Jack Bielasiak -DD D-- D-D D- Norman Furniss DDD D-- DDR D- Russell Hanson -D- D-- DDD D- Iliya Harik D-- --- DDD D- Jeffrey Hart -DD --- --- D- Marjorie Hershey DDD D-D DDD D- Francis Hoole --- --- DD- D- Jeffrey Isaac DD- -D- D-- -- Gregory Kasza --- No primary voting record --- Leroy Rieselbach -D- D-- D-D DD William Thompson --- ? --- Timothy Tilton DDD DDD DDD DD Gerald Wright, Jr. --- --- --- -D Patrick O'Meara --- registered but no record --- Eugene McGregor (SPEA) DDD DDD D-- DD ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Kenneth Bickers -RD --- --- -- Lawrence Hanks DD- --- --- -- Michael McGinnis --- ? --- Karen Rasler --- ? --- Jean Robinson -DD D-- --- -- Dina Spechler D-- --- --- -- Richard Stryker -D- -D- DDD D- John Williams --- ? --- |
![]() Why Four Hundred People Will Never March Against Spending $250,000by Sean FrickPeople have asked me about the recent march by the Coalition demanding this or that funding program. "Frick, why don't you organize a counter-march. You know these people are just asking to raise tuition with a bunch of new programs." But marches against these kinds of ideas can rarely draw as much support. I don't think it's because there isn't an overwhelming understanding among IU students that the leaders of the recent march were mostly interested in padding their wallets and resumes. Rather, what do we have to lose from the new programs? This is where Public Choice economics is useful. Public Choice theory shows why lobbying can be so effective. Suppose I want free lunches for everybody named Frick in America. Sure, there are not that many Fricks, but since a free lunch every day can be worth so much to us, we'll lobby our congressmen, send faxes, and maybe even donate to campaigns. But with the costs spread out so widely, most people wouldn't even notice they were buying free lunches for Fricks - for them it wouldn't even be worth the cost of a stamp to complain to someone.
Now, let's suppose the total yearly cost of the new
Coalition-sponsored initiatives is $250,000 per year. For everyone who
showed up to march, that's roughly $625 in benefits. But spread out over
35,000 tuition-paying students, we're talking about seven dollars per
year. Most students could have just as easily stayed home and saved the
gas money - or maybe attend the classes which are costing more thanks to
these absentees.
![]() Clinton's Second Term Beginsby Scott TibbsWASHINGTON- The Inaguration is over, and the second term of the first Democrat to be elected to consecutive terms since Franklin Roosevelt has begun. Clinton's second term is sure to be fraught with challenges, on the domestic as well as international front. In addition, the matters of Whitewater, Cattlegate, Paulagate, Travelgate, and Indogate have yet to be resolved. Clinton faces several challenges in his second term, with the three most important items possibly being the continued progress toward a balanced budget, protecting the strength of Medicare, and protecting the Social Security system. With Social Security, a government advisory board listed possible solutions to the coming difficulties in the system. Two of the solutions involve a much greater private sector attachment to the system, while another proposes raising the retirement age, reducing benefits, and increasing SS taxes. No action has been taken on how or if to reform the system as yet, and this will have to be worked out between the Clinton Administration and a conservative Republican Congress. Clinton has also proposed a bipartisan commission regarding the protection of Medicare in his second term. While many Republicans such as Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss) believe this is unnecessary, it appears the Administration is moving in this direction. In addition, the welfare reform bill passed by the Republican Congress and signed by Clinton will begin this year, and Clinton will be the first President to have access to the line-item veto. Challenges in foreign relations loom on the horizon as well. Relations with North Korea, China, and the former Soviet Union must be maintained, as well as continued monitoring of the situation of continued American military presence in Iraq, Bosnia, Haiti, and South Korea. Clinton will also be the President in office during the controversial transfer of control of the Panama Canal to Panama; and Hong Kong will revert to Chinese control during Clinton's second term. Whatever transpires in the second term, the next four years has the potential to be one of the most significant terms in American history. It will be interesting to see what the coming months and years bring.
meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8 ![]()
Hoosier Review is a not-for-profit publication by Indiana University College Republicans. The opinions expressed therein are not necessarily those of the College Republicans. Hoosier Review is published online via the World Wide Web, as well as in limited paper edition.
![]() ArchivesThis is our first issue, so there aren't any back issues yet. However, we will keep every issue of Hoosier Review online in its original format for your reference. |