Bits & Bytes
- Reliving a dark period in history--Taking a lesson directly
from 1930's Germany, animal rights activists recently "burned books
depicting animal vivisection," according to Americans for Medical Progress. Will AR
activists now sacrifice the First Amendment on the altar of "animal rights"?
- You missed the choir, you're preaching to the altar
boys!--Democratic House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt appeared at
Dunn Meadow for a College Democrats rally on the day before
students returned to campus. Not counting a few dozen Republican
protestors, only a dozen or so college students were there, half of whom
turned out to be College Democrats from Ball State University!
- Confusing the issue--In a column in griot, Shannon
Riggs calls conservatives "hypocrites" for "traditionally [bashing]
feminists for [their] views on sexual harassment," but now "embracing
these same views." Let's see, then. If Clarence Thomas made crude jokes
to a female coworker, it's harassment, but if Clinton exposed himself or
even had oral sex with an employee, it's not?
- I'm king of the world!--Herald-Times editor Bob
Zaltzberg announced in a September
5th column that the H-T would no longer print letters to the
editor about political candidates during election seasons, yet left the
door open for "letters that pertain to the newsworthy actions of a public
official." It seems that His Majesty is playing right into the hands of
those Democrats whose only hobby is critcizing the policies and votes of
Republican office-holders.
- The only Democrat candidate with less charisma than Al Gore--A
woman who had died of a heart attack before the Democratic primary
election for U.S. Senator in Oklahoma received enough votes to force a
runoff to be held on September 15.
- And the "Get a life" award goes to--People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals, for targeting a cereal box as a dangerous enemy of
"animal rights". According to the Associated Press, PETA President Ingrid
Newkirk demanded Wheaties remove a bass fisherman from its cereal boxes
rather than promote the "cruelty" of fishing. Switch to decaf with your
breakfast, Ingrid!