Bits & Bytes
- Demanding a Captive Audience--An openly homosexual teacher at Rio
Bravo-Greely Union School (K-8) in Bakersfield, CA has demanded that the
school not allow children to be transferred out of his class. Teacher
James Merrick filed suit when, following an incident where Merrick
denounced a public official critical of gays, the school removed several
children from his class at their parents' request. Will the homosexual
lobby wrest control over children from their parents?
- Geography lesson needed?--According to the January 20 Indiana
Daily Student, Shakir Mustafa of the Bloomington Coalition for Peace
in the Gulf claimed that U.N. sanctions in Iraq have caused "lack of power
and gas [forcing] the destructive conversion of forests to fuel." So,
they have depleted their supply of petroleum and are cutting down their
bountiful trees instead?
- Outcome-based athletics?--The Associated Press reports that
Boston schools have recently acknowledged reporting false sports scores
to avoid embarassing teams who lose by a large margin. Perhaps they
should not keep score at all, as an East Coast children's soccer league
has done?
- Someone call Jerry Springer!--At an IUSA student congress meeting
on January 21, off-campus senator Nathan Zapf deemed fellow off-campus
senator Matthew Muterspaugh's reading of a resolution as too lengthy, and
decided to express this by throwing a stapler at him. This understandably
upset the rest of the congress who are training, as good bureaucrats, to
throw money at problems.
- Bride of Flynt--In her January 22 IDS column, Angie
Brunk--most ardent supporter of smut this side of
Penthouse--denounced parents and others who advocate that libraries
install porn-filtering software on Internet-connected computers.
Apparently, this student of the School of Library and Information Science
would turn her library into a free adult bookstore with no age