Bits & Bytes
- Welcome to reality--An Indiana Daily Student reader
asked in a November 30 letter to the editor if "the price for the 'right
to bear arms' is to have...innocent people killed by [criminals]." While
that doesn't sound nice, should we (by the same logic) ban all private
cars since the right to transportation seems to come at the expense of
innocent people killed by poor drivers?
- Those idiot Hollywood types and the UN--In a speech to
the UN on World AIDS Day (Dec 1), "Basic Instinct" actress Sharon Stone
suggested that parents place 200 condoms in a lightly traveled place in
the home so teens could take them without embarassment. Sadly, on the
same day the American Social Health Association reported there are 15.3
million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases annually in the U.S.,
many of which condoms cannot stop.
- African nation terrorizes Bloomington!--According to the "BPD
Blotter" in the December 4 IDS, a 39-year-old man was shot in the
leg "when a white and yellow Sudan drove by."
- The nation's best interests in mind?--Illustrating his
continued decline in effectiveness as President, reporters at Clinton's
appearances in Israel focused largely on his problems back in the US.
Answering one question about resignation, Clinton said "It's never
crossed my mind." Thanks, Bill, for considering all options and putting
the needs of the US and the world above personal ego.
- Pot calls kettle black--According to the December 8
IDS, InPIRG is fighting Ameritech over a $3 service which they
feel is deceptively added to consumers' bills and benefits them very
little. Meanwhile, InPIRG's
pledge system extracts $5 each semester from students who signed a
pledge card--automatically when they register for classes. This carries
over every semester unless the student wades through the Registrar's
bureaucracy to depledge.
- Free speech only for the popular--According to a December 13
report on NBC Nightly News, the city of Pasadena, California has
been facing the "problem" of street preachers. In response, city
government has proposed speech-limiting ordinances, including one which
would allow a limit to be set on the number of times a specific
group could have street meetings, after which the group would be charged
fees!! Luckily, the Pasadena prosecutor's office has spoken out in favor
of the preachers' Constitutional rights.
More laughs? Check out the politically
correct 12 days of Christmas!